Imago (1984) | Short teen+ animation with no dialogue

Ironický pohled na člověka, který řeší rodinné i pracovní problémy únikem do imaginárních představ
An ironic look at a person who solves family and work problems by escaping into imaginary ideas
Režie: Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava
Scénář: Miloš Macourek, Jaroslav Doubrava, Adolf Born
Kamera: Eva Kargerová
Hudba: Emil Viklický

One of the moralities of the trio of authors Milos Macourek, Adolf Born and Jaroslav Doubrava. It deals with the topic of implacability of human optimism and fantasy. In a sad manner it tells us a humorous story of a man living double life: one of a beaten little clerk, humiliated by his arrogant boss, imperious wife and misbehaved descendant; the other of a spoiled hero of a dream empire full of beautiful and tender women, flowers and fantastic figures. From artistic point of view is the film based on Adolf Born's lithographs.