Who Am I Žádný systém není bezpečný 2014 cz titulky
Hacker Benjamin je v reálném životě neviditelný outsider. To se změní poté, co se setká s Maxem a jeho přáteli a založí spolu subversivní hackerskou skupinu Clay. Ta působí nejen na internetu, svoje akce zaměřuje i na veřejný prostor. Benjamim je poprvé důležitou součástí něčeho velkého a změny prožívá i v osobním životě - ve vzduchu je rodící se vztah s krásnou Marií. Zábava se ale mění ve smrtelně vážnou věc, když se skupina dostává do hledáčku kriminálních služeb i Europolu. Z Benjamina se ze dne na den stává nejhledanější hacker světa.
Zdroj: https://www.csfd.cz/film/387030-who-am-i-zadny-system-neni-bezpecny/prehled/
I am not the content owner in this video. All rights go to Sony Corporation
Under section 107 of the 1976 Copyright Act, "fair use" is permitted for purposes such as criticism, commentary, reporting, teaching, scholarships, and research. Fair use is through copyright law, which otherwise affects the non-profit, educational or personal use of your balance in favor of fair use*
But if there's someone like a retarded complex dick who has a need to ruin a good film by reporting this video to a few thousand people, so that I can give it to you viewers and make your work easier, so you can write in the comment section, we'll definitely agree on something
Zdroj: https://www.csfd.cz/film/387030-who-am-i-zadny-system-neni-bezpecny/prehled/
I am not the content owner in this video. All rights go to Sony Corporation
Under section 107 of the 1976 Copyright Act, "fair use" is permitted for purposes such as criticism, commentary, reporting, teaching, scholarships, and research. Fair use is through copyright law, which otherwise affects the non-profit, educational or personal use of your balance in favor of fair use*
But if there's someone like a retarded complex dick who has a need to ruin a good film by reporting this video to a few thousand people, so that I can give it to you viewers and make your work easier, so you can write in the comment section, we'll definitely agree on something