Poprvé a naposled (The Very Last First Time ) | celý krátkometrážní film | EN subtitles | HD
Chtěli zažít svoje poprvé, a tak se vydali do opuštěného domu nedaleko za městem. Ani jeden z nich však netušil, že tahle událost navždy změní jejich život. To, co na ně totiž v domě čeká, bude nejen zkouškou jejich vztahu, ale především zkouškou jejich schopnosti přežít. Po této noci už ani jeden z nich nebude takový, jaký byl.
They wanted to experience their 'first time'. They don't want to be disturbed, they made a journey to the abandoned house near the city. None of them had a clue that this event would change their lives forever. They are convicted to prove the stability of their partnership and mainly to prove their ability to survive. After this night none of them will be like they used to be.
Scénář / Screenplay: Martin Müller
Režie / Directed: Martin Müller
Kamera / Cinematography: Václav Tlapák
Hrají / Starring: Daniel Novák, Kateřina Adámková, Tomáš Rýdl
Hudba / Music: Evžen Dvořák
Zvuk / Sound: Matěj Chrudina
Produkce / Producer: David Laňka
They wanted to experience their 'first time'. They don't want to be disturbed, they made a journey to the abandoned house near the city. None of them had a clue that this event would change their lives forever. They are convicted to prove the stability of their partnership and mainly to prove their ability to survive. After this night none of them will be like they used to be.
Scénář / Screenplay: Martin Müller
Režie / Directed: Martin Müller
Kamera / Cinematography: Václav Tlapák
Hrají / Starring: Daniel Novák, Kateřina Adámková, Tomáš Rýdl
Hudba / Music: Evžen Dvořák
Zvuk / Sound: Matěj Chrudina
Produkce / Producer: David Laňka